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Each segment of the spine is crucial to the well being of the entire spinal column and cord since the strength of each portion is contingent upon the other vertebrae and discs to function properly. Through time, the spine may be subjected to constant

Each segment of the spine is crucial to the well being of the entire spinal column and cord since the strength of each portion is contingent upon the other vertebrae and discs to function properly. Through time, the spine may be subjected to constant

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PILES AND FISSURESUnlike piles, anal fissures can be very painful right from the beginning. The light tear on the moist tissue of the anal region can cause painful itching and spams in the anal sphincter. Depending on the severity

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PILES AND FISSURESUnlike piles, anal fissures can be very painful right from the beginning. The light tear on the moist tissue of the anal region can cause painful itching and spams in the anal sphincter. Depending on the severity

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PILES AND FISSURESUnlike piles, anal fissures can be very painful right from the beginning. The light tear on the moist tissue of the anal region can cause painful itching and spams in the anal sphincter. Depending on the severity

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PILES AND FISSURESUnlike piles, anal fissures can be very painful right from the beginning. The light tear on the moist tissue of the anal region can cause painful itching and spams in the anal sphincter. Depending on the severity

Benefits of PanchakarmaCompletely purifies the bodyRiddance of toxinsSpeeding up the metabolismReducing weightEnhancing the strength of digestive fireOpening up of blocked channelsRelaxing the mind and bodyRejuvenation of tissuesBoosts Immun

Kshara Sutra is passed through the fistulous tract using the minor surgical technique, which gradually cuts and heals the track of anal fistula. It naturally cures the track and removes unhealthy tissue. It promotes drainage of discharge or pus from
